Monday, January 14, 2013

Where the F*** am I?!?!?!

So my special lady and I have had a bit of a crazy schedule of late. It has for the most part been very difficult and not optimal. Our one chance to escape and act like normal people is when we escape for a short lunch on the weekends in the mid afternoon.  Sunday we took a trip to the 'Noosk and grabbed a bite at the always enjoyable Tiny Thai.  I will get it out of the way, the food was great.  We had a smallish but delicious green papaya salad that was well seasoned and not too heavy handed on the fish sauce. We also had a seasoned tofu and pork roll that was pretty good. The main course was green curry w/ tofu that was spicy, flavorful and delicious.  But the food was not what made the meal.  We rolled in and the place only had about 4 full tables.  So obviously our hostess tried to seat us in the back next to a weird old hippy next to the bathroom.  Why not, who wants to sit by the window?  So after asking for something else the hostess took us in a little farther to a still budget but better seat.  We sat down and something hit me like a brick in the face.  What the f*** was that awful smell?  It was like an Axe body spray commercial, or being in Abercrombie and Fitch!  I glanced around and quickly found the source.  Now, did I mention we were in Winooski... Vermont?  Well, my Axe buddy was a twenty something in baggy pants/sweats... a black shirt with a pretty large chain and plenty of hair gel.  His date was wearing a ton of makeup and rocking a SUPER tight and small black dress thing.  She was not petite. It seemed like an odd choice for Sunday at 2pm on a cloudy rainy could day.  If people can smell you from the coffee shop down the street... too much body spay chief. Well, it was funny.  I shouldn't laugh. They were probably looking at me in my dirty jeans, stinky unwashed shirt w/ crazy sticky uppy old man kind of bald hair and eyebrows that are threatening to take over my face. My wife is quite a hot ticket though.

By the way... they should rename Downton Abbey seasone 3 to Beatin' a Dead Horse!  They are driving the same storyline into the crowd.  Seriously Mathew, if you don't giva Papa the money and save Downton... I am traveling back in fictional time and across the ocean to blow that f*in place up w/ you all (except Maggie Smith and Carson) in it!!!! I am hating on that show but yes I watch it and maybe I thought about going to the Essex Inn for the season premiere roaring 20s party.  Just kidding.

Also in shows I hate but keep watching... season 2 of Girls debuted last night and it was typically atrocious and uncomfortable.  I heard one of the stars saying how it was real and that made people feel weird which is good.  Real?  I don't know nor have ever heard of any super unattractive girl who somehow has unlimited money and access but whines about both who also has model hot friends that also have easy lives but complain all the time about how hard it is to have money they didn't work for while meanwhile the fat ugly girl gets naked all over the place yet never tossed from the bars? You want a real show?  How about the 20 somethings who work at crappy jobs making 30K a yr who wear boring clothes hang out doing uninteresting things and going to Ri-Ra's for a few Bud Lights before waiting until last call for an uncomfortable hook up w/ awkward sex and a terrible hang over that gets worked out w/ toast and coffee while watching 9 straight episodes of Sportcenter in their sweats (with tons of Axe body spray).  Shoot... maybe I should be writing TV shows, that smells like a hit!  And Axe Apollo Space Academy gel.

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