Why the F* not?! Pretty ok weekend. My special lady was meeting up w/ friends for dinner and even had a ride so I was free to do whatever. I poured myself a martini, ate some Mac & Cheese and watched the new Star Trek movie on Blue Ray. It was actually pretty darn entertaining. Some parts were cheesy but I thought they tied the story in w/ the mythology of the old show. Special effects were cool. Acting was not terrible. There was a little cheese factor and the guy who played Spock was a little dooshy but overall it was quite enjoyable. 1 7/8ths thumbs up.
Saturday we went and got a Christmas tree which is always nice. Pretty funny, when we brought the tree in the house the cat freaked. He turned to scamper but was in such a hurry he turned right into a basket on the floor... face first! I laughed. The tree is pretty solid, not too tall but very full. I give it 48 hours before Boomer jumps in and trashes a few ornaments. We put the generic ones down low. Saturday night we went to a perfectly pleasant holiday party that had one huge highlight. A usually reserved friend busted out a little poo conversation. Now doody is a huge topic and the cause more many chuckles at the Bird household but it is not always given its due in the public forum. Oh well, it made my night. I might divulge later, not sure yet.
Sunday was busy. We had to go to 3 places to get white lights for the tree. The final place? Creative Habitat... a store that was supposed to have closed 4 months ago!!! Take that Lowes!!! Let's Build Something Together... like inventory, assholes!!!!
Next up was a Portuguese wine tasting put on by our new can't miss wine shop Daedalus. I was not a huge fan of the wines but it was an instructive course that was well run and very informative. The pricing points were very attractive so it was a good way to get folks to try something new and different. Did you know that Portugal instituted label laws 200 years before France? You do now (1 day later than me chumps).
Finally it was on to dinner club. Awesome Greek fare. Great lamb stuffed grape leaves and super awesome gyros. Another hit. After that we were stuffed... went home and passed out on the couch for a bit. Of course before I started nodding off I caught a few minuted of Blame it on Rio. This was one of the first movies I remember seeing on cable. Michael Caine and boobs in Brazil, pretty much a home run if you ask me!
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