Not going to lie... I am a little banged up today. On the bright side, for once I am not spewing today. I have spent a pretty decent chunk of time on the Internet however. Much of that has been reading the different views of sports writers concerning the Mitchell Report. Yup, the "evidence" is circumstantial at best. That said, are you really surprised that baseball players took steroids and HGH? I mean Roger Clemens is like 80 years old and still throwing smoke and winning Cy Young awards. Most guys his age play in the over 40 softball league and try not to blow out a hammy stretching a single into double! Seriously... Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi? Those 2 bobble heads could blot out the sun with their huge domes!! What gets me about the writers is that they have spent the last couple years pounding the table about steroids and demanding action and accountability. They have dragged guys like Bonds through the mud. And then, when a little bit of info comes out? They skewer George Mitchell, who didn't even have any real authority to subpoena or track down honest answers. How about tearing into these douchebag players who hide behind their agents and lawyers to avoid answering the call. You don't run and hide if you have nothing to hide from. Kudos to Frank Thomas... always hated him as a baseball player, but he was the one guy who told the union to screw and spoke to Mitchell honestly. Somebody has to has scruples. In any event... who cares? You have juiced up pitchers throwing the ball at juiced up hitters. Doesn't that make everything pretty even? Oh, it's the children. Well, this is just like all of the rock stars who are taking drugs. You don't want your kid to follow their idols and take drugs? Maybe try putting your own house in order. Talk to your kids, be honest, have rules, teach them right and wrong, don't blame other people. Stupid "blame society", we all run from responsibility.
OK, enough of that. Faithful reader D. SkyWalker sent me this link. Now this is a guy who wasn't going to take it from the man... that bottle of vodka on the other hand...
OK, enough of that. Faithful reader D. SkyWalker sent me this link. Now this is a guy who wasn't going to take it from the man... that bottle of vodka on the other hand...
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