Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cinco de Mayo... Ugh

How did I party on May 5th?  Well, let me tell you! I cruised home early because my nanny had to leave. Kids were fussy. I had a sour stomach so I had to crap a bunch of times. Upstairs of course because my 1st floor bathroom was busted. That was my big win of the night, I fixed said toilet! Boom!!! One beer and a bunch of dished done later I settled on the couch w/ leftover soup and a turkey sandwich to watch TV. Now that is a hot night right?

So we were at a really fun 20's party at Shelburne Farms the other night and I had a Trout River Red Ale. It was terrible. Really terrible. My other choice was slightly less terrible Rock Art White Tail ale. It was a great night and very well done but the beer selection was tough. I moved to Citizen Cider (which I almost never do) and it was not too bad.

On the flip side, my pal LB busted out an Alchemist Beelzebub and it was really good. Smooth, luscious, a hint of coffee and chocolate. I like hops so I didn't mind their presence. Big fan here... wish they had more around.

So this was a fun post huh?  Somebody give me some inspiration... I am in a rut!

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