Monday, March 18, 2013

Jay About Date Night?!

So my special lady and I were able to leave our kids w/ my folks and go out on a date.  Through a very generous gesture from the owners of Tourterelle in New Haven we had a nice gift certificate and excellent reason to head south for the evening on Saturday.  Now we have been in twin baby daze for a few months and I am barely a human right now.  I was worried about 2 things, one we would just stare at each other for the whole meal with no ability to converse, and secondly, that the food would not live up to our expectations as we had previously loved our eating experiences there.  Apparently I was not afraid of constructing a run on sentence. Well, both fears were unfounded.  We had a lovely meal and chat.  We started w/ freshly harvested little neck clams from Long Island baked w/ buttery bread crumbs.  They were a little gritty but the flavor was excellent and they did taste quite fresh.  We also shared a delicious fall salad w/ arugula, cranberries, walnuts, and artichoke hearts.  For a main course my lady had an amazing trout that sat on sweet potato puree and some kind of hazelnut brown butter sauce.  It was really something.  I had homemade rabbit raviolis in a currant and mushroom au jus.  Also quite delicate and very tasty.  Add to that my very good Whistle Pig and lemon juice cocktail and it was a great meal.  We also were able to stay awake and talked the whole time!  Go team!!!

I have decided having kids is like having a Ferrari in Vermont.  First off it is expensive.  Secondly, it requires a shit ton of maintenance and is extremely fussy.  You wonder what you were thinking until that sunny day when you take it out and have the most amazing drive and a wonderful day.  Hey, torn rag top that will cost $20K?  No problem, I just kicked out 125MPH on Bolton Flats!  Left shifter paddle needs to be replaced for $15K?  It's ok... I just ripped down 100 to Kilington and it was amazing! My kid just shit themselves requiring the 4th clothing change of the day while also pulling out my chest hair and screaming in my ear?  Hey, that's cool... did you see little bird lifting their head and making that super cute smiley face?!

I miss alot of things about being a kid.  Shitting my pants is not one of them.  Weird right?

Yes, I did drink a Guinness yesterday (or 2). No I did not get drunk and pass out.  Lame.

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