Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hey, it's a poop post!

The other night I was up in the middle of the night and picked up my son.  He smelled like shit.  So I take him into the other room to change his diaper and lo and behold I find that he has somehow pooped in such a way it shot up the back and out of his diaper so that now he has poop on his legs, back, and stained his night gown. Apparently this is a pretty common occurrence? Fantastic!  You might assume that would be the end of my poop indignation but you would be wrong.  Very wrong.  I take the boy back into our room and lay him down and then stumble downstairs to heat up his bottle.  It smelled like shit downstairs as well?  Oh, because my cat had been shut out of his litter space and decided to take a dump on my kitchen floor.  Thanks Boom. I almost had the trifecta when my daughter started rumbling while I was feeding her but they were just wet farts.

The cat made a spectacular follow up to the kitchen turd last night.  He got locked out in the mud room and took the stinkiest shit ever on the rug. I feel bad for the cat, he gets no attention and keeps getting locked in random places.  But seriously dude, pooping all over the floor is NOT COOL!!!

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