Monday, September 24, 2012

Bikers are so smug

Nope, not like Harley bikers... they are dirty or rich and weird.  People on bicycles.  They are a really annoying culture.  I run into them all the time, especially on the road I live on.  There are 2 things that really bug me about bicyclists... one is that they all wear super tight shirts splashed with ads.  Hey, 60 year old fat dude, I know you are not sponsored by Red Bull.  And if you are, they either have a ton of money or sight unseen givers!  Secondly, I don't like the fact they use the rules of the road to their advantage in a shitty way.  Hey, road is wide open?  Well, we have the same rights as motor vehicles, let's ride 8 across at 15MPH in a 45MPH zone?  Uh-oh, red light.  No big deal, we are on bikes, blow right through it.  Hey, too much traffic on the road I was just clogging up, better hop on the sidewalk and try to kill a pedestrian.  Create one set of rules and live by them.  I say closer to pedestrian than motor vehicle right?   A bike can go what, 20mph if you are really cooking?  that seems a lot closer to 5mph than my car at 45.  Plus if you on the bike hits a person on the sidewalk you may hurt them, but if I hit you with my car on the road while you are doing something dumb I will kill you.  So get in the bike lane or on the sidewalk, I don't want to kill anybody!

Had a nice lunch at Barkeater's this weekend.  Chicken club.  Was really quite good.  Name still sucks.  If you are looking for a free movie on Comcast stay FAR AWAY from Stone w/ Ed Norton and Bobby DeNiro.  My wife was disgusted with how boring and stupid it was.  I agreed.

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