Friday, November 18, 2011


Went to see Harlod and Kumar Save Christmas last night.  It was pretty funny.  I thought the first one was great, the second one was very funny, and this one was pretty funny.  It was in 3-D and they played up the angle very well.  Would I prefer less dongs and more boobs?  Sure.  But the whole thing was filled w/ crude jokes I generally enjoy and shit flying at you from nowhere.  One funny thing is that we got there 5-10 minutes early and there was nobody there.  I suppose it makes sense when the stoners showed up to the stoner movie 5 minutes late.  Most of the crowd was probably picketing Merchant's Bank.  Also there was a line at 7:30 for the midnight showing of the new Twilight movie.  A line that apparently started at 1pm!  What the f***?!?!  First off it was a Thursday.  Don't you have school at 1pm?  Secondly, who lets their kid stay out until 2am on a school night to watch some stupid movie that will be in the theater at regular hours for weeks?  Fat dorky kids parents apparently...

I have other things related to my day to day situation that I would also like to say but probably shouldn't.  One interesting note is that much like the 99% protesters, there is a growing legion of folks who seem hell bent on f*cking themselves in the ear.  They don't know how to do it or even why they want to do it but they are DETERMINED to get it done!!! Unfortunately I am the ear.

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