Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Yeah, that's right... Takin' Care of Business is what I do!!! Well, sometimes anyway.  Hey, know what's fun?  Standing in a pool of piss in front of a bathroom stall.  Seriously, we can send rockets to space and create new faces for people but a large percentage of people cannot get their urine in a 2'x3' container.


So we watched 2 movies on the cable television the past couple days.  One was ok and almost good... the other one.... not so much.  Let's start w/ the dooker in the pool first, Easy A.  It starred a bunch of people I am only vaguely familiar w/ including the guy from Wings and that wine movie where the other guy hates merlot.  Then there was Lisa Kudrow... you know, the not talented or good looking one from Friends.  The main character was the red headed girl from SuperBad who Jonas Hill accidentally punched in the face.  Quite a Murderer's row.  It started out as a play on The Scarlet Letter and was ok initially but then it got a little played.  The characters were all a little too clever and smug.  In no situation do you find yourself surrounded by an ultra intelligent crowd who all have super witty lines right on hand waiting to turn a phrase or play a catchy double entendre.. unless you are in the Bird household!  It just got a little boring and ridiculous. 1 thumb up my own ass unless this gem is shown on an airplane in which case you might want to get in the mix.

Movie 2 had mucho buzz out of the gate but was a bit of a flop at the old box office Scott Pilgrim Versus the World. This one had Michael Cera doing Michael Cera things.  There were a bunch of other hipster actors as well.  It was certainly bordering on pretentious and filled with what I am sure were inside jokes I did not get... but the acting was pretty solid, the cinematography was visually stunning, and it was just one of those movies that I found entertaining in spite of myself.  I would not pay for it but if it is on HBO or something I would check it out. Kind of like sex! Hahaha.

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