Technically it was Wednesday but this is a backward looking blog so let's celebrate my special lady's birthday all weekend! Our friends DG&KB threw a lovely party Wednesday and that was fun. The Portuguese chicken was randera randera randera... great! That is what Portuguese sounds like. I'm sorry, it just is. So the 2 things I got for my wife for her birthday? A nice bottle of champagne and a fake dog poo that she left hidden at our friends place. I think she was amused and that is why she is awesome.
We saw Crazy Heart the other night and it was pretty darn good. Jeff Bridges plays a great crusty country singer. He is really making it happen w/ these one off characters the last several years. Good for you Lebowski! Anyway, the word was that it was really sad like The Wrestler, but it was not even close. I mean, the wrestler is depressing and not for nothing but it does not end well! Crazy Heart has at least a modicum of hope and some real "heart"! Haha. 1 1/2 thumbs up.
One last tidbit, good luck Dick... you were a mentor and a friend and I certainly will miss your interesting perspective (if not your terrible gas) around these parts. I have one suggestion for the future. Kamchatka Bear trainer! Just Sayin'...
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