If you have read this blog before, and I assume since I know all 5 of you and I know you have read my posts before, you know that I am a pretty big fan of the Bluebird Tavern. Or at least... was!!! As you can see from the above link, the chef is leaving for potentially greener pastures. The fear I have is that this is like so many band breakups, these are often simply lightning in a bottle and while the 2 parties may be ok in solo projects, they are never as good as they were in the original band. Phil Collins and Genesis, Paul or John and the Beatles, Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 (oh, uh, maybe not so much on that last one). What are the odds that both places are as good as they were when working together? Not great. Aaron Josinsky will open some place in a crappy location like Milton and will have a gross space that is filled w/ "flare" and terrible service headed by an asshole bartender who can't make a decent Manhattan. The Bluebird meanwhile gets a chef who somehow managed to get serious consideration for one of the world's top food competitions yet could not make a decent meal w/ wonderful local ingredients at the Daily Planet. Seriously, his stuff at the Planet was just not very good... or imaginative. I think his sous chef must have been amazing for the run up to the Bocuse d'Or.
I hope it all works out, I really do. I want there to be a thriving food scene here in Burlington. I like the Bluebird Tavern. But I am pretty nervous as to how the whole thing might turn out. Like the Monkees sans Michael Nesmith!
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