So the bar/lobby of the Burlington Holiday Inn? 2 resounding thumbs down! We had a business dinner last night and that was our last stop. Very possible that was a bad call? Dinner was at the Green Room and that was also a stinker. They required a deposit and made us utilize a fixed menu. That turned out to be ridiculous as the place was only half full. Of course that was a half too many... we sat at 7 and did no see a beer for about 30 minutes. We did not eat until after 9pm and did not get out of there until after 11! The food was also a disappointment. I liked the spicy humus alot and the quesadila was ok but the duck tacos were a dud and the lobster risotto just didn't really go anywhere. To make matters worse there were more than one stomach issues this morning that were no doubt the result of the duck. This time I was not alone!!! So all in all 1 thumb down, it really was a bit of a bust.
What is it about golf that is so frustrating? Every other activity in the world works on a progression... you repeat the motions and and learn the steps and soon you are getting more comfortable with the activity and eventually you get better. Golf on the other hand, you play and play and you sort of get better but just as you get your irons down your putter goes to shit. Then you fix your putting and the driver sprays balls all over the course. You get that fixed and just when you are keeping the drive in bounds... f*ing can't hit it out of the sand. I really like to play and it is fun to be outside hitting balls and all but sheesh, I am just not good!
Hey, did you see Tiger got divorced? That means there is now a single super rich Swedish model out there! Sure you inherit an insta-family but think of the cool golf gear that must be laying around the mega yacht!!!
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