I was stuck behind some yayo this morning on Rt. 7. Was her slow speed in the passing lane the thing that really made my day? Nope... it was the "I'd Rather be Flying a Dragon" sign on the rear windshield! Can you imagine flying a dragon at 35MPH through a 45MPH zone in The Shire?! F*in A** right you can't!!!!
I received a notice from CitiBank last week informing me that they were going to start charging me an annual fee on my credit card. This was my first credit card, I have been a member in good standing since 1994. The card has my damned high school photo on it for F* sake! Funny aside, when people look at it they often look at me funny, I had a bit of hair back then... but was much less rugged good looky-ness. OK, back to the main story. I also have my house mortgage w/ CitiBank. I use the card regularly, and I always pay it off on time. You would think I would be an ideal customer but in the messed up way credit cards work, they prefer someone who is a bit of a crappy customer. They make money on late pay fees. In essence, they are the ultimate idiot investor vulture. I called to tell them I would be cancelling the card if they did not nix the fee. They told me there was nothing they could do... I told them to go F* themselves! Stupid bank. 2 huge thumbs down.
The International... Yup, it sucks in multiple languages! Just kidding, it is a ridiculous action movie that uses huge brush strokes to take pot shots the investment industry. Naomi Watts probably hates HD TV. 1 thumb sideways.
OK, I need to bail but there will be more, oh yes, much much more!!!!
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