Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Little Sports Talk

My wife hates these little blurbs... so LadyBird, feel free to skip ahead. 1 quick thing, F*ck John Heyman from I am an unapologetic Red Sox fan... I am also not a journalist. Heyman is a Yankees lover who pretends to be a neutral journalist. Well, your column rips off stuff better guys like Gammons, Verducci, and Stark write... except yours has no insight. Even Buster Olney who is no doubt a Yankees guy tries to hide it. Plus, your columns come off like a bitter old man who is mad he always got picked last as a kid. So there you go.

I really enjoy sports fans, baseball fans in particular, and if you want to get even more granular... Yankees fans. They beat their chests and yell and scream denouncing the use of steroids and the cheating that has ruined the sport. Admitted cheater Jason Giambi is a villain! Until he starts hitting a few homers and then they love the guy. Just a regular Joe who made a simple mistake. Andy Pettite? Sure he is a cheater but he admitted it and is one of "our guys" so all is forgiven. A-Fraud? Those YaYos couldn't beat that guy down enough for his many transgressions. He comes back to the lineup, hits a few homers, they win a few games and all of a sudden he is the belle of the ball and just a guy "having fun, not a care in the world". Frankly, if Roger Clemens could pitch a few shutout innings do you really think the Yankees would not sign him and the fans would not cheer him? $250MM worth of cheaters... that is just the way it is.

When Manny comes back will the Dodgers fans be any different? Hell no! They will cheer wildly when he starts raking again. And Sox fans? Well, Nomar was probably juicing. Maybe Manny, heck, maybe David Ortiz. If it comes out that this is the case will I stop cheering for them? Nope. It's a game of cheaters and I still like the game anyway. What's my point? I don't like how John Heyman sucks up to the Yankees I guess.

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