So we are 1 month into the Obama administration... how is it going? Remarkably similar to Old GW! There are a whole bunch of d-bags fighting for scraps and drawing out the process. So while these chumps w/ their locked in six figure salaries try to secure a new slide for their local high school, the economy continues to slide deeper into recession. CNBC usually is annoying but there was one good comment today, the economy is like an infection on your toe, if you treat it there is no problem, but if you leave it... staph infection and you get Michael Jackson face! We have become a world of beggars and unfortunately without the government's handout we are really quite helpless. We could suspend mark to market accounting... that would help. We could negotiate w/ rating agencies who have mad terrible mistakes and left many insurance companies and banks in capital death spirals... that would help. We could create a cram down of mortgages while insuring for losses on said mortgages and then taking a cut on any upside? Yup, that might help too. Instead, Barney Frank is going to grill heads of banks over their bonuses and then try to kill the banking industry and in turn the city of New York, THAT WILL NOT HELP!!!!!
Breaking news... Judd Gregg just told Obama to screw. So far this non-partisan shit is working out well. The Democrats cannot get out of their own way... didn't see that coming. Anybody notice how conservatives are pounding the table over out of control spending and all of the pork in this stimulus package? Those same folks didn't seem too bothered by the record spending and pork product we had seen the last 8 years?
2009... it's FANTASTIC!!!!!
Breaking news... Judd Gregg just told Obama to screw. So far this non-partisan shit is working out well. The Democrats cannot get out of their own way... didn't see that coming. Anybody notice how conservatives are pounding the table over out of control spending and all of the pork in this stimulus package? Those same folks didn't seem too bothered by the record spending and pork product we had seen the last 8 years?
2009... it's FANTASTIC!!!!!
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