I don't have the energy quite yet to post on Mexico... I will just say it was great. In the meantime I would just like to put a little something out there in the background, US Scair SUCKS. BIG TIME. In one trip they managed to cancel our connecting flight, reroute us a couple times, send my bag to an impossible destination (as the flight there had been cancelled), the bag is still in limbo, and the closest we could get to home was 1 1/2 hours away and the good fortune of a ride from my parents. Not to say everyone was useless... the folks at LaGuardia were pretty competent and the Lebanon NH people were nice... but the jackasses in Charlotte were rude and incompetent. That is the real kicker, the airline f***s up, and then they are assholes to you. How can you be in err and then act like you are doing the wronged party a favor?!?!?! Of course when you are an idiot to begin w/ and only getting paid $10 an hour to deal w/ your overall companies ineptitude, well, how much motivation do you really have to be professional? So like I said, we did run into a few folks worth recognizing for their efforts, but overall it was as I have come to expect from US Scair... a complete disaster!!!! So next time you fly... think about renting a donkey, you probably are just as likely to reach your destination.
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I spent this whole "likeable" post bitching about airlines and how bad they suck? Not really a big fan of unwanted solicitations but thanks for posting... your comment was very interesting, well spoken, and interesting for people who are not looking to buy stuff they don't need! hug right bach at ya!
Interesting to know.
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